Biography of Tamia Lenesque
as of 720 TR

Character History

You are Tamia Lenesque, your only brother, Renin Lenesque, is twenty-two years old and currently the Earl of Techen. Renin is quite possibly the most wealthy and powerful noble in Rethem, but "accidents" still keep him on his feet.

All that is known to you of your father, Jeron Lenesque, is what was told to you by your brother. Being very young when your father died, Renin has made it clear that he died in 706 during one of several Thardic raids, but Renin has reason to believe the battle was a deliberate ambush and not just another simple border skirmish.

Your mother Celshia died shortly after your birth in 702 due to complications. Renin even hints at foul play in her death.

Hence, Renin and yourself have been wards of the state since your father's death, until Renin claimed his inheritance in 719. When you were ten, an inordinate number of mysterious accidents began to occur around Castle Techen, which could have easily been fatal for the two of you. After great lengths of discussion with your nanny Minna, Renin finally convinced her to send you into hiding outside Techen. Renin had to remain in order to inherit Castle Techen when he became twenty-one. He has managed to survive with only a few scars to boast of.

The foster parents sheltering you are Minna's cousin Kelvar and his wife Koni. They do not know who you are, they only know you are an orphan Minna took in and wants away from the kingdom's violent border.

Renin sends money through Minna whenever you have needs. Your father's wicked sister, your Aunt Erela Lenesque, is the Queen of Rethem. Renin publicly dislikes her, and makes no reference to her being family.


Castle Techen is at the extreme eastern border of Rethem. Tharda and Kanday are within two days ride of the castle. Tharda and Kanday are both on the verge of war with each other or against Rethem depending on the day's reports. Renin is keeping a decidedly neutral policy trying to keep peace as near as can be called between Techen and his neighbors. If a war were to break out his lands would suffer the most from the conflict. King Chafin III of Rethem is pressuring Renin to swear fealty to him, but he has been hesitant because he doesn't trust the King to support him in battle. Tharda and Kanday are separated from Rethem by rivers which make battles very difficult. The nearby forests have been the sights of many an ambush from either nation which Renin repulses with a good show of force.