Personal History of Mavari
Thayer Densia,
Jenzig Shek P'var

Thayer Densia was born in 1057 SA, the only child of Vireena and Tremen Densia, an exotic spice merchant. His mother died when he was only six years old in some obscure skirmish with the "Slain Rodent" orc band from the far side of the plateau. Thayer has vowed to avenge her at first opportunity. His father pays for all his schooling at this point with little arguments about the sum of money, which is considerable. Nearing retirement, Tremen, who will be 58 years old in two months, does not approve of adventuring because he would like Thayer to set up a business of his own upon graduation from school. To follow in his father's footsteps, so to speak, and make the Densia name a notable and honorable name in magic as well.

Tremen and Thayer go their own ways and have little contact normally due to their busy schedules, but share a good relationship. Thayer is very well known by his father's merchant contacts who occasionally help him as more of a favor to Tremen, than their liking the cocky upstart son. But, all being businessmen, they have a high tolerance for insubordination in the sometimes too rash youth. Thayer couldn't help but memorize all the currency exchange rates for the plateau while being raised by his father.

Thayer is always up at the crack of dawn and makes tight schedules and gets very irritated when thrown off even by a few minutes. Thayer is also a big history buff, from finding out where the monsters came from, to trying to get rid of them, to new and unusual items of magical, religious, or of monetary significance. He detests Lyahvi, their unstructured learning techniques and whimsical teaches set poor examples of wizardry.

Three years after his mother was killed, Tremen remarried a beautiful widowed woman ten years his junior. Her name was Shannara and she had a son named Jarror, who seemed equally skilled in the magical arts. Jarror and Thayer grew up very close and planned to become powerful mages together and rule the world. Jarror always had a talent for doing things he knew would get him in trouble, and this proved to be his undoing later on.

In 1074 SA, Jarror was expelled from the New Melderyni Chantry of Arcane Lore for practicing necromancy, which has been outlawed for hundreds of years. Just one year short of being initiated into the Shek-P'var, to further his education, the Larani priests were notified that Jarror was practicing illegal magicks. Jarror falsely believes that Thayer reported him to the authorities for his practices. Jarror has not to date been apprehended for the charges of witchcraft.