Magick School Explanations

On Feägurth, the schools of magick are broken up as normal, but there are a few subtle differences. Schools of some spells have been altered and are now the sole property of that shek p'var. Shek p'var are free to research their own versions of existing spells, but they must be feasible.

Spells of this school focus magical energies to provide protection. This protection can take a number of forms, including warding off specific types of weapons or creatures and discouraging or dispelling enemies. This school also includes a variety of spells involving avoidance and repellence. Abjuration spells concentrate on eliminating or hindering sources of potential harm rather than repairing damage. On Fe�gurth, these shek p'vars are called Peleahns.

Spells of this school enable the caster to channel magical energy to cause direct and specific change in an existing object, creature, or condition. Alterations can affect subject's form, abilities, location, or even physical well-being. On Fe�gurth, shek p'var who specialize in this school of thought are called Tazmut.

This school includes two different types of magic, though both involve bringing in matter from another place. Conjuration spells produce various forms of non-living matter. Summoning spells entice or compel creatures to come to the caster, as well as allowing the caster to channel forces from other planes. Since the casting techniques and ability requirements are the same for both types of magic, conjuration and summoning are considered two parts of the same school. A shek p'var on Fe�gurth who specialize in this school of magic is called a J'morvi.

This school includes a variety of spells that reveal information that would otherwise remain hidden or secret. Divination spells reveal the existence of specific items, creatures, or conditions, as well as information about the past, present, and the future. This school also includes spells that contact creatures from outer planes of existence, but do not induce direct action from those creatures. On Fe�gurth, shek p'var of divination, shek p'var of the mental arts, and sometimes priests of Save K'nor are all referred to as Savoryans.

This field specializes in spells summoning specific elemental forces from the inner planes and harnessing the energy to produce effects dealing with one of the four elemental forces (air, earth, fire, or water). Elementalists do not accept the traditional divisions of spells, but are likewise denied access to certain spells. The denied spells are in the opposing elemental force. On Fe�gurth, hydromancers are called Gul'ren, geomancers are Kemen'ren, promancers are Bal'cri, and an aeromancer is called a Sul'cri.

This school also encompasses two general types of spells. Both types imbue their subjects with magical energy to create specific effects. Enchantment spells invest non-living objects with magical powers. Charm spells induce change or influence the behavior of creatures usually altering their subject's mental or emotional states. Neither enchantment nor charm spells have any direct effect on their subject's physical form. A Fe�gurthan enchanter is known as a Fyvorian.

This school includes both illusion and phantasm spells. Illusion spells bend reality to create apparent changes in the environment, in the caster, or in other persons or creatures. These spells do not cause real changes as alteration spells do, but instead alter the way that creatures and persons perceive reality. Phantasms induce responses and directly manipulate the perception of the response of their victim. An illusionist is a Lyahvi on Fe�gurth.

This school includes two types of spells, both of which use magical energy to create specific effects by bringing forth special forces that the caster shapes into constructs of energy or constructs of matter. Invocation spells use the natural magical forces of the planes. Evocation spells call on the intervention of powerful extradimensional beings. A shek p'var of invocation/evocation is known as a Jenzig on Fe�gurth.

This powerful school involves spells dealing with death and the dead. These spells drain vitality from living creatures and restore life function to unliving creatures. Bones, blood, spirits, and apparitions are all associated with magical energies shaped and controlled by the mages. If referred to at all, Fe�gurthan necromancers are collectively called Odivshe.

This school of magic seeks to infuse random wild magic with the traditional magic theory. Wild magic spells, on occasion, can have dangerously unpredictable results, including backfire or creating entirely different effects from what is desired. Range, duration, area of effect, and even damage may fluctuate from casting to casting. This new school of magic call themselves after the great Fe�gurthan "wild" pioneer K'tykas.