Halea's Symbol

The Halean Temple

Halea's Symbol

Halean temples tend to be large, spacious affairs, with a lot of room for the huge gatherings on the seventh of every month. In between times, the temple is temporarily divided into a number of separate sections, which include at least the first three of the following areas classed by the level of the member admitted. Some larger Lythian temples even have room to make one or more of these chambers permanent.

The Chamber of Welcome is open to all members and new members. Members of less than Circle II are not permitted into any other room. The Chamber of Welcome is beautifully appointed, with comfortable furniture and simple delicacies. Functionally it is more like a private club, where members can make contacts and get a glimpse of things to come. The goal is for newcomers to think that Halea takes care of her own, and for low-level members to have a chance to relax in comfort and consider how to become prosperous. There is usually plentiful ale and wheat-bread, and some local sausage and cheese. Nobody hides the fact that the higher level members get much better stuff, some of which is available for sale in the Chamber of Welcome.

The Chamber of Obligation is open to Circle II and higher adherents. It is more businesslike, and includes the temple library. This is where members get financial counseling from priestesses or from each other, and where they find information about business opportunities such as investors needed and pending legal actions. A prominent theme is the obligation of high-level members to help the church by helping lower-level members to attain financial success. Circle III businessmen often come to the Chamber of Obligation to get some work done away from the distractions of the Chamber of Pleasures. The Chamber of Obligation usually has fine spirits and pipeweed available, gambling skills are taught here, and sometimes other games of skill and chance.

The Chamber of Pleasures is often the biggest room in the temple. It is open to members who have attained the much sought-after Circle III. This is the site of the famed Halean Orgies. The elaborate decor, the wine and spirits, the incense and music, and the fine imported delicacies all contribute to the central theme of sensual pleasure. Members are expected to show interest in all of the finery, much of which is never available to non-Haleans. There are public baths and perfumers selling their wares, and fine clothing and jewelry as well. Halean craftsmen pay well to sell their wares in the temple, but the atmosphere is such that the people present always want to look better. Coming into the Chamber of Pleasures underdressed is considered poor taste; staying that way is a sin.

The Chamber of Pleasures is where members are instructed in a comprehensive program of instruction in appreciation of worldly goods through all senses. Music for the ears, visual arts for the eyes, perfumes and incenses for the nose, food and drink for the tongue, and textiles and furs for the skin are combined in the erotic arts to focus on the pleasures of sensual living. It is made clear that the most pleasures are available to the wealthiest, and that the Church of Halea is always there to help the wealthy find new pleasures.

The King's Room, when present, stands in stark contrast to the Chamber of Pleasures. Most Haleans never get this far. The King's Room is a private place for meetings with powerful individuals, but more importantly it is where high level Haleans are trained to apply all that they have learned to dealing with the government, both as advisors and as spies.

The Magic Room, when present, is for communing with the goddess and her servitors.

Halea's Chamber is the Crypt.

Original author was John Sgammato,
but has been edited by Avathar Valcana for campaign reasons.