Save K'nor's Symbol

Responses for the Unenlightened
to some of the more minor riddles of Life,

Acceptance Interview for those
wishing to follow Save K'nor

Save K'nor's Symbol

Q: Where did the world come from?

Q: Where did I come from?

Q: Why am I here?

Q: What happens after we die?

Q: What of the other gods? Tell me the truth about...
Agrik Halea Ilvir Larani Morgath Naveh Peoni Sarajin Siem

Q: Where did the world come from?

A: In the beginning, there was only primal chaos, and Kelestia was void, and without form. Knowledge was available to all and much good and much evil was done. The First Gods used this knowledge to build the world and everything around us for their own pleasure. And for their pleasure they created the Lesser Gods who in turn created mortals and so on. The knowledge of such creation was very powerful and was used to create Kelestia and other worlds from the chaos.


Q: Where did I come from?

A: The Lesser Gods were not as capable of using the knowledge correctly and were limited in the knowledge they had access to. In their pursuit of knowledge they came into conflict. These Lesser Gods created mankind to fight their wars for them and created worlds such as ours for those battles to be fought on. In the end the First Gods created the new Gods and then withdrew their hands from these places. The New Gods destroyed or imprisoned the Lesser Gods and hid the dangerous knowledge thus bringing peace to the worlds. But they could not repeal the construction of the worlds or the mortal races. Thus, we are here to serve the New Gods and guard the dangerous knowledge from those who do not deserve it.


Q: Why am I here?

A: Your purpose is to seek the purity of thought that will allow you to learn and wield knowledge for the good of mankind. This must be done under the jurisdiction of the Arbiter of the Gods. Where that purity of thought and purpose is missing, then knowledge must be hidden and removed from sight. It is only the right application of knowledge that separates us from the primal chaos and non-existence.


Q: What happens after we die?

A: For those of pure enough purpose and intellect, eternal life in the Halls of ________ where all knowledge of the New Gods is recorded. For those of lesser accomplishments a chance to try again with another life. Always there is the promise of obtaining that purity of intellect and purpose that will bring divine knowledge. For everyone who falls by the wayside and abandons the pursuit of justice and knowledge brings mankind one step closer to devolving into Chaos again.


Q: What of the other gods? Tell me the truth about...

A: Agrik- Of all men, followers of Agrik are second only to the Wrecker in their drive to destroy all. Agrik is the strongest of the Gods but lacks the will power and perseverance to accomplish anything. The frustration from this causes him to hate all who are able to build anything or utilize knowledge for useful purposes. Thus, he delights in the destruction of spiritual and material things. He grasps for knowledge but is unable to utilize it for any lasting purpose, it is possible that he is one of the Lesser Gods and not a New God at all. Fortunately for the world his lack of purpose and drive, and the strictures of the Concordat mute his destructive capabilities.


Halea- Halea is selfish and greedy. She seeks only her own pleasure. Her followers waste their time seeking pleasures in this world. She understands the need for knowledge and the pursuit of it, but does not understand the need for purity of purpose. She is short sighted in her use of knowledge and does not consider the ramifications of her actions. If they bring pleasure here and now this is enough for her. It is pitiful how her followers waste what knowledge they obtain. However, she is an ally in the cause of law, even though she continually attempts to formulate them to suit her short term agenda.


Ilvir- The brooder is the least and most dangerous of the Lesser Gods. While he keeps his knowledge to himself, he has great purpose. A single minded purpose that does not admit that there might be other ramifications to what he does. Thus, the results of his experiments are released into the world without concern over what might result. It was Gods like Ilvir who originally built the worlds of the demons and devils. For all of that he is a great scholar and is to be admired in his ability to discover knowledge.


Larani- The strong arm of the Concordat and strongest of the New Gods that remains. She is unconcerned with the pursuit of knowledge in and of itself and thus will never reach her full potential. Nevertheless she has the highest developed sense of justice even if she does not have the reasoning ability of our Lord. She is the Watch while Save K'nor is the Judge. Larani is our greatest ally for her actions and followers buy us the time and peace to pursue our studies.


Morgath- To be pitied and feared. This is the face of Destruction and the herald of what may be if we are not pure in our pursuit of knowledge and its defence. The Wrecker does not just damage as does Agrik but completely destroys. His purpose is to remove all knowledge from the world and thus return us to the state of Primal Chaos. In this he is mad as the end result would be his own destruction. He is the example of what pursuit of knowledge with out purity of purpose and justice can do - in his pursuit he lost all and now wishes to negate all that anyone else might have. But beware, he has retained much of his capability and therefore is extremely dangerous. He must be countered everywhere and knowledge defended from him so that it will not be destroyed.


Naveh- The master of discipline. If only we had the discipline that he can bestow, what we could accomplish. But discipline without constructive purpose is useless, and this is what the followers of Naveh are. He is one of the New Gods and was a great leader in the battles against the Lesser Gods, but when that was done he lost purpose. This knaws at his heart and makes him jealous of others. He knows enough not to be content with Halea's short term pleasures or Agrik's destruction but is unable to apply his discipline to anything. Thus, the discipline has become an end in and of itself. Something to be applied only to the theft of the possessions of others. Naveh's jealousy and bitterness twists and corrupts all he touches.


Peoni- Where Larani is the strong arm of the Concordat, Peoni is the speaker for mercy. It was she who proposed the Concordat, who stayed the hands of the New Gods from erasing the world and who intercedes with the law in order to find true justice. Although, it is said that she is the sister of Larani she is may actually be one of the First Gods who did not withdraw. Why and how she could choose to give up the knowledge that was the birthright of the First Gods to become a New God is one of the Riddles of the Cosmos. Do not despise the followers of this Lady for without her we would not have the chance to be and to learn ourselves.


Sarajin- Left in the wilderness for eons Sarajin has only recently returned to our world. Whether he is a New or Lesser God is unknown although he might be the offspring of both. His followers are primitive and have not learned enough to see their own plight. In this they are dangerous for they do not know how little knowledge they have. Sarajin epitomizes the situation before the coming of the New Gods where the Lesser Gods gave unto their followers knowledge that they were not prepared for or able to handle. Fortunately, as they come into contact with civilized nations and Sarajin himself finds the limits of the Concordat this will be mitigated. Ljarl or no Ljarl he and they are governed by the Concordat and the judgment of Save K'nor.


Siem- The only one of the Lesser Gods who was not consumed by conflict to gain knowledge. Siem was content to obtain what he could when it became available. He has little purpose but unlike Agrik and Naveh is content with what he has. Since he dwells in dreams this little is actually a great deal and thus his council is often deemed wise. With his lack of drive and thus long term view it is not surprising that he is most in tune with the demi-humans like elves and dwarves. He has much knowledge, but no time for those who seek actively to obtain it. Thus, while he is of little danger, he is also of little use to us in the material world. It is said that Save K'nor values his opinion highly and thus we should honour his followers in this world.


Original author was Mark G. Hazen,
but has been edited by Avathar Valcana for campaign reasons.