Mavari Valerian Talon
BladeSinger & Ktykas Shek P'var

I, Valerian Talon, was born in the nation of New Melderyn, in the capital city of Cherifar on the 18th of Agrazhar in the year of 975 SA to Shenava Melina Talon Fyvorian Shek P'var (gray elf) and Satia Belthar Talon BladeSinger Fyvorian Shek P'var (gray elf). While growing up, I was known to be quite an arrogant little elf, and not just by my parents either. I once... well, let's not go into that now.

Father had long since given up his adventuring life and had dedicated himself solely to teaching me the mythical Elven art of the BladeSong almost even before I could fully hoist Virtue. Mother deeply wished me to become a great and respected shek pvar, preferably a Fyvorian like both her and father. Father never really pushed spellcraft, preferring steel to spells. I, however, was never fond of the way conventional magic was taught, much too constrictive.

Upon hearing my constant complaints of my traditional teachings in the p'varic philosophies, a sympathetic uncle began my instruction in the chaotic dweomers of Ktykas, much to the dismay of my dearest mother.

Having just reached adulthood, am now required by family tradition to leave home in search of my own life. I was entrusted with fathers sacred katana "Virtue", passed down through four previous generations of valiant Blade Singers. It is reputedly one of the best crafted weapons of its kind. An integral reason for leaving home is to not only seek treasure and fame as a Blade Singer, but to continue the tradition of Virtue. In order to pass Virtue on to my successor, I must be married and have a son. But before that can even happen I must increase Virtues enchantments as my father did, and his father before him, and his father still before that. The enchantment must be laid upon the sword before it is to be passed on, and must be cast upon the sword by the Blade Singer personally.

I have sent word to my childhood friend, Rico Suave, that I would be setting out, in search of high adventure and rewards. Rico was more than eager to find some rewards. So, I have departed to meet up with Rico at the Rusty Bucket, a seedy local dive and veritable springboard for exploration into the vast and uncertain world.