Map of Feägurth

This depiction of the "world" is widely accepted as accurate. Very few plateau inhabitants have ventured into the eastern wilds to verify the map, indeed, some Savoryans theorize that the eastern forest is not all dense wood, but with lack of other evidence they refuse to alter the established views of the plate. One heavy arguement is the existence of the large numbers of Zun. Some don't believe that they can flourish in such a small portion of the world. Who knows if the truth will ever be known.

City Size Population Terrain Location

Town 6208 Woods C3
Beloy Town 7306 Grasslands C3
Biridizime City 39636 Woods C4
Blenchar Village 675 Grasslands D2
Brendon Town 3210 Woods B2
Canston Hamlet 296 Woods C4
Cherifar City 98000 Grasslands A4
Fallas City 25487 Woods D4
Fenmore Village 726 Forest B2
Gorm Town 2223 Woods C3
Hulore Village 507 Woods E2
Kavis Town 5196 Woods C2
Meecha City 27000 Woods D3
Midea Town 4371 Forest D3
Rendin Town 3304 Grasslands B3
Shezar City 59000 Woods D2
Suldin Town 7767 Grasslands C4
Teale Ruins - Woods E2
Thalspar City 41000 Forest B1
Tychuss City 62000 Forest D4
Tykaralis Hamlet 120 Forest E4
Velsha City 45000 Woods B3

Bejish Beloy Biridizime Blenchar Brendon Canston Cherifar Fallas Fenmore Gorm Hulore Kavis Meecha Midea Rendin Shezar Suldin Teale Thalspar Tychuss Tykaralis Velsha